Devlog 9

Devlog 9

The soundtrack:

We could've decided to look for some copyright free song somewhere on the internet, and it would've been way quicker and easier. But we decided to take the risk of putting time and effort into a custom soundtrack, because it would be more rewarding and definitely more fun.

Whether or not this was the way to go is for you to judge:

Enemy weaponry

The enemies now use their respective weapons, we also reworked the combat to go with this. The peasant and the knight now stop moving when they are attacking the player, instead of attacking as they walk past. We synced the attacks with their audio and animation using animation events.

For the archer we made the arrows point towards the direction they're headed and added a particle to the arrows.

Implemented the audio

We implemented all the effect and ambient audio.

Added a tutorial 

Since the game is quite complex we decided to add a tutorial to explain the goal of the game and add explanations to mechanics that popup later in the game like enemy flags and player upgrades.

We also added an indicator that points the player to active flags that need to be destroyed.

General hud improvements

The mini-map now has proper icons and abilities have button prompts.

Get Cave Invaders

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